Privacy Policy
Customer using this site or purchasing merchandise from it are requested to read thoroughly the privacy policy below and to indicate their consent to it. Merchandise may not be purchased without such consent.
1. Customer Information
Customer information is information concerning a single living individual. It includes information whereby that individual can be identified, such as name, date of birth, residence, telephone number, and other data making possible identification of the specific individual. It includes data that, by comparison with other information, makes possible identification of the specific individual.
2. Purposes of Use of Customer Information
Our organization may make use of customer information for the following purposes. (1) For the sake of implementing our responsibilities in cases of sales transactions. (2) For the sake of carrying out after-service in the case of sales transactions. (3) To provide customers with information on special services and new merchandise. (4) For the delivery of such things as notifications and e-mail magazines and direct mail. In no cases, except the one set forth in 3 below or when customer consent has been obtained previously, will we make use of this information.
3. Entrusting Customer Information to Third-parties
Our organization may consign customer information whole or in part within limits required for the achievement of usage purposes.
4. Provision of Customer Information to Third-parties
Our organization will not entrust customer information to third parties without previously obtaining customer consent.
5. Joint Use of Customer Information
Our organization may make joint use of customer information with the companies listed below.
Items of information that may be jointly used customer name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and previously purchased merchandise.
Limits of parties with which joint use may be made Wix.com, Inc
Purposes of business with which joint use is carried out
Such information related to our sales transactions with the customer as merchandise delivery may be consigned to joint-use businesses.
For the sake of providing customers with information on special services and new merchandise.
To provide customers with after-services.
For the delivery of such things as announcements and e-mail magazines
Who is responsible for the management of customer information. Store Owner.
6. Use of Cookies
We probably send a text file called "cookies” to your browser by a website you visit. Specifically, we use them, for example, there is an advantage that you can display the contents of the field that you might be interested in. You can refuse to receive "cookies" by setting the browser to issue a warning before receiving "cookies", but disabling them may restrict your use of the website affect the way in which it operates.
7. For further details on customer information
Please refer to "Contact Address" in the section on the Specified Commercial Transaction Act. We also provide no-delay e-mail contact upon request to the "Enquiries Form" on store homepages.
1. お客様情報
2. お客様情報の利用目的
当組織は、お客様の情報を以下の目的で利用することがあります。(1) 販売取引における当社の責任を遂行するため。(2) 販売取引におけるアフターサービスの実施のため。(3) お客様に特別なサービスや新商品の情報をご案内するため。(4) お知らせやメールマガジン、ダイレクトメール等の配信のため。当社は、下記3.に定める場合およびあらかじめお客様の同意を得ている場合を除き、これらの情報を利用することはありません。
3. お客様情報の第三者への委託について
4. お客様情報の第三者への提供
5. お客様情報の共同利用
共同利用する項目 お客様の氏名、住所、電話番号、メールアドレス、過去に購入された商品の情報
共同利用する者の範囲 株式会社WIX
6. クッキーの使用について
7. お客様情報の詳細については